“ADHD can speed everything up, introduce more chaos than most couples contend with, make communication especially difficult, timeliness a struggle, and bill-paying a dilemma. But, if understood and managed well, ADHD can also make a marriage lively, passionate, full of energy and new ideas, adventuresome, full of humor and wit, and just full of exuberance and love…”
“if people learn how to manage ADHD correctly, it can become an asset not only in the life of the person who has it, but in the life of the couple and family as well.”
Sue Hallowell, LICSW
Sue George Hallowell, LICSW, attended the University of Virginia and Boston College. She has been a social worker for 30 years. She has been in Private Practice since 1984 and works with adults as well as doing much work as a couple’s therapist. She was the Director of Inpatient Social work at Mass Mental Health Center, an Associate Professor at Simmons Graduate School of Social Work (adjunct) for 12 years and is currently the Clinical Director for the Hallowell Center NYC. She co-authored Married to Distraction, has appeared on Dr Phil, Dr Oz and the Today show as well as several radio shows. She is the mother of three children with ADHD and married to (the infamous and illustrious) Dr. Edward(Ned) Hallowell.
Married to Distraction
Sue and Ned Hallowell teamed up with the book: Married to Distraction: Restoring Intimacy and Strengthening Your Marriage in an Age of Interruption, which was released March 16, 2010. The book grew out of their 21 year marriage (Ned has ADHD, Sue does not), and their combined 50 years of clinical experience in working with couples. It looks at how the issues of distraction, interruption, overbooked-ness, crazy busy-ness, pervasive clutter, and non-stop information–so common both in modern life and in life with ADHD–impact marriage and other close relationships.
Ned and Sue Hallowell Exclusive Interview: “Married to Distraction”